Just a little bit of me.

Hi! I’m Patricia, I was born and raised in El Salvador. I moved to Provo, Utah, in 2018 to pursue a master’s degree.

I’ve always loved baking and cooking. Since I remember, my favorite shore at home was to be my mom’s assistant in the kitchen. I wish I had pictures of those memories, but I am glad I can still be her assistant and learn from her whenever we get together.

We have two children, Lucas and Luisa. They are so happy, though they take all my energy, it is an absolute joy raising them.

My goal is to help anyone that comes across this blog to find recipes that can enlighten your day, make cooking easier, and make you feel good inside –those you print and keep in your personal recipe collection. As a mother now, I find myself remembering all the food recipes that could help me nourish my family.

Sometimes not having a meal plan would take all my time, so I decided to create my personal collection of recipes I’ve collected through the years. Not all dishes I cook are from El Salvador, and I am so grateful for the knowledge that other people have been so kind to share with me, it means a lot!

So, here I am, sharing with you all! Know that whenever you share a dish, you share your knowledge! Thank you, for being here.

Happy cooking!

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