Easy Tres Leches

In El Salvador, almost every time we went to a local pizza place that we love, we had tres leches. It was such a treat when we ordered it. The fluffiness of this cake combined with the milks is what make this cake such a staple in our cooking.

What is Tres Leches

This mouth watering cake is a one layer wet and fluffy cake that has three different milks. It’s topped with heavy whipped cream, sprinkles of cinnamon, and candied cherries.

Simple ingredients

For the cake

  • Flour : White wheat flour is the one most commonly used. Sometimes, I like to use rice flour, the ratios are the same, but the consistency is more grainy which I personally like.
  • Sugar: For best results white granulated sugar is recommended for this dessert.
  • Eggs: Large white eggs is what I am using in the recipe.
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is one of the stars in this dessert. It adds the warm taste to it. I like the ground cinnamon so that you can see the color of it, but the sticks are essential to create that cinnamon flavor in the cake.
  • Baking powder: It adds to the fluffiness of the cake.

The milks

  • sweetened condensed milk : This will provide the cake the deep sweet flavor of milk.
  • Cow full fat milk : You can use skim or 2% fat, this type of milk give it the liquid it needs to soak the cake. Some people use heavy cream here, however, I like the more runny consistency in the cake.
  • Evaporated milk : Like the cows milk, the difference this one add is the softness of evaporated milk.

For the topping

  • Whipped cream: For this one, I do recommend to make it yourself to ensure the think consistency that should have in order to spread it properly over the cake.
  • Candied cherries (optional) : I personally don’t like candied cherries, but I know some do and it creates such a pretty cake when used.

How to make Tres Leches (step by step)

Step 1: Line a baking dish 9.5 x 15 or similar and set aside.

Step 2: In a bowl start by separating the egg yolks from the whites.

Step 3: Beat egg whites using an electric hand mix for about four minutes adding sugar little by little. Continue to mix adding one yolk at a time. This time for about two minutes.

Step 4: Add in the dry ingredients, flour, cinnamon, and baking powder. Use a regular whisk here to just incorporate everything.

Step 5: Break cinnamon stick in smaller pieces and add them to the batter. Place on the prepared baking pan and bake at 350 F for 30 minutes. Let the cake rest to cool while you prepare the milk mixture and the toppings.

Step 6: In a bowl mix all the three milks and give it a good stir until well combined.

Step 7: In a separate bowl, using an electric mix, beat heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla –until it gets a thick consistency, about 4 minutes.

Step 8: Back to the cake, using a wooden stick, poke holes in the cake to make sure the milk is absorbed homogenously. Pour the milk mixture over it little by little.

Step 9: Place whipped cream on top of the cake and spread it through out the whole cake. Sprinkle some ground cinnamon, and enjoy!

Cooking tools

I am using a conventional oven to bake the cake. I am using an electric hand mixer.


  • Coconut tres leches
  • Pumkin spice tres leches
  • Coffee lovers tres leches

How to serve

I personally enjoy tres leches as dessert right after is prepared so milk still soaked in the sponge and not at the bottom of the pan. This dessert can also be a great substitute for birthdate cake.

How to store

Store in fridge after is done with a lid on the pan, or plastic wrap to conserve freshness. Use within three days.

Tres Leches dessert, or my favorite dessert!

Difficulty:IntermediatePrep time: 30 minutesCook time: 40 minutesRest time: 40 minutesTotal time: minutesServings:4 servingsCalories:300 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year

For the torte

  • For the milk soak

  • For the whipping cream topping


  1. Line a baking dish 9.5 x 15 or similar and set aside.
  2. In a bowl start by separating the egg yolks from the whites.
  3. Beat egg whites using an electric hand mix for about four minutes adding sugar little by little. Continue to mix adding one yolk at a time. This time for about two minutes.
  4. Add in the dry ingredients, flour, cinnamon, and baking powder. Use a regular whisk here to just incorporate everything.
  5. Break cinnamon stick in smaller pieces and add them to the batter. Place on the prepared baking pan and bake at 350 F for 30 minutes. Let the cake rest to cool while you prepare the milk mixture and the toppings.
  6. In a bowl mix all the three milks and give it a good stir until well combined.
  7. In a separate bowl, using an electric mix, beat heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla –until it gets a thick consistency, about 4 minutes.
  8. Back to the cake, using a wooden stick, poke holes in the cake to make sure the milk is absorbed homogenously. Pour the milk mixture over it little by little.
  9. Place whipped cream on top of the cake and spread it through out the whole cake. Sprinkle some ground cinnamon, and enjoy!
Keywords:Tres leches, Salvadoran dessert, Easy dessert

I would love to hear if you try it! Tag me on Instagram @salvadorankitchen, also if you have questions, you can always reach out!

Happy baking!

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