Easy Salvadoran Chow Mein (Shrimps)

We have a version of chow mein in El Salvador. The main difference I would say is chayote. We use it in many dishes and this one is an example of it. In the tiendas (small shops in neighborhoods), people sell these chow mein packets that have all the seasoning you need to make this dish.

The packet includes soy sauce, condiments, and the noodles.

In this recipe, I am not using a packet, I am using soy sauce, noodles and condiments bought separately. For the condiments, I am using just salt, garlic, and no bullion.

You will see how easy it is when you have all the ingredients in hand. Most people use chicken to make it, but I personally like shrimps better in this dish.

To make it with chicken, just cut chicken in small pieces before cook it in the stove as per my recipe below.

Easy Salvadoran Chow Mein (Shrimps)

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 30 minutesCook time: 40 minutesRest time: 40 minutesTotal time: minutesServings:4 servingsCalories:300 kcal Best Season:Summer



  1. Start by cutting and getting your veggies prepared. Cut tomato, 1/4 onion, and celery in small pieces to season the shrimp. Mince the garlic.
  2. Cut carrot, bell pepper, 1/4 onion, and chayote in thin stripes (corte juliana). Set aside
  3. Continue by adding oil to a medium size pan. Add shrimp, garlic, 1/4 of the onion, celery and tomato. Stir until well combined.
  4. In a separate bowl, place the noodles and add boiling water. Cover bowl and let it sit for about five minutes. Check to make sure they get the right consistency.
  5. Back to the shrimp, add carrot, onion, bell pepper, and chayote. Stir and let it cook with the lid on until chayote is barely soft.
  6. Add soy sauce, bullion, and noodles. Stir well and is ready to serve.
Keywords:Shrimp chow mein, Easy salvadoran chow mein

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