Easy ground turkey with potatoes

This is an easy, healthy and delicious dish, it is known as “carne con papas” in El Salvador. The diced potatoes and carrots mixed in with the ground turkey, or ground beef, make it so easy to cook and to absorb all the flavors. My mom did this one very often when we were growing up, so it’s one of those comfort food for me. You can omit carrots if you don’t like them, or if you don’t have them handy.

The following are the steps explained in photos:

Step 3-4 in photo

Step 5-6

Step 7-8

Easy ground turkey with potatoes

Easy:BeginnerPrep time: 20 minutesCook time: 30 minutesTotal time: 50 minutesServings:5 servings Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Simple ground turkey, or beef; with potatoes and carrots, in a savory tomato sauce and beef seasoning.



  1. Peal and dice potatoes and carrots to 1/2 inch cubes and set aside.
  2. Dice onion and tomato to 1/2 inch and set aside.
  3. In a nine inch pan, over medium heat, put olive oil and onion, stirring constantly for about two minutes, or until onion is translucent.
  4. Add ground turkey to the pan, and stir until cooked thoroughly, about six minutes.
  5. Add tomato, salt, beef bullion, and stir.
  6. Mix in potatoes and carrots, and stir.
  7. Add tomato sauce and stir.
  8. Add water, making sure it barely covers it all.
  9. Put a lid on the pan and simmer at medium heat for 20 minutes, or until potatoes are soft.
  10. If desired, serve with rice and lettuce salad. Enjoy!


  • 1. Tomato sauces can vary in flavor, some are more sweet and thick, and others are lighter and savory. You would need to adjust to your liking. For this recipe I prefer a savory and light type of sauce (Natura’s, Raos, Carbone)
  • 2. You can substitute the beef bullion and water for beef stock, or vegetable stock.
  • 3. I used a cast iron skillet, but any similar size pan will work.
Keywords:ground turkey, ground beef, potatoes, tomato sauce, carrots

I would love to know if you make it. Tag me on Instagram @salvadorankitchen!

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